All proceeds to benefit the VACKC for financial assistance & scholarship programs.
All proceeds to benefit the VACKC for financial assistance & scholarship programs.
All proceeds to benefit the VACKC for financial assistance & scholarship programs.

Through our outreach efforts, we have found that veterans need transportation support. Our office offers transportation for Kendall County veterans to go to Hines VAMC, Aurora CBOC, and other medical facilities.​
Local Transportation
Except for dialysis services, local transportation will operate Monday through Friday with possible/limited weekend service. Local transportation is defined as being transported within Kendall County and cities adjacent to the border. This part of the transportation program is intended as a non-emergency service to the Aurora CBOC, DuPage Vet Center, local dialysis clinics and other limited services for homebound veterans.
Requests for this type of transport must be scheduled in advance by calling 630-381-9272
Transportation to Hines VAMC
The transportation to Hines VA Hospital will only operate Monday through Friday and will depart from the County Health and Human Services building in Yorkville. There will be limited transportation provided on federal holidays. Those veterans desiring the use of this service must notify the VACKC office of their date and appointment time as soon as they receive their appointment notification from the VA. Once the schedule has been established for a particular day, last minute notifications might not be honored due to a possible overload or because of the inconvenience to the other scheduled riders. Riders, whenever possible, are requested to schedule or reschedule their appointments so that they fall between the hours of 8AM and 2PM, Monday through Friday.
As a courtesy to our veterans, a recorded message line has been created so individuals can call and get the Hines departure schedule. The phone number is 630.381.9272.